Let’s make a time!

Appointments are conducted online via Zoom AEDT (instructions/meeting info supplied on booking). However, I also offer in-person appointments at my home, which is approx. 30 minutes north of Coffs Harbour in NSW, Australia.

I will be in Melbourne for three days in June and will be available for in-person appointments. Register your interest here .

What is the difference between a healing appointment, and a psychic reading session? Which one should I book?

Initial Appointments consist of two main things; psychic reading and healing. When you book your initial appointment you will get an option of what you would like to focus most on healing or psychic reading.

A Psychic reading (initial) appointment is spent mostly on answering your questions, and there is very little energetic healing work. Although the words themselves are healing.

A healing (initial) appointment includes some psychic guidance/reading and healing. Depending on how many questions you have.

In follow-up appointments, the sessions become more focused on healing/energetic work and less on guidance unless you specifically book a psychic reading. Any questions? Get in touch.